Hi everyone,
Welcome to the third entry of my blog.
It's been awhile since I last posted, but believe me, you were all still in my thoughts. I've been making little notes here and there for this entry, so yeah I’ve never been far away...how are you all? Been keeping well?
Me and Rolo have been on lots of walks together which we've really enjoyed. Having him with me, wherever I go makes everything so much more possible.
From not even being able to reach the front door for fear of what’s on the other side, to being able to go out on a regular basis...well I could never have done it without my hero, Rolo, beside me.
The charity: RAD Assistance Dogs has made what was impossible, possible for me and I can’t thank them enough. They have given me what I thought I’d never have; a second chance.
For me, I'm getting through the daily ups and downs that are very challenging. Nothing is wrong but equally nothing feels right. I’m constantly trapped in my mind like a prisoner behind bars.
I’m twisted and pulled, squashed, pushed, and stunned by my thoughts, urges, rapid mood changes and many reminders of what once were. I also have difficulties with my walking, using a wheelchair and somehow having a hospital classed as my home...are all playing a part in my struggles with daily life.
However, I must stress that whilst all of this ‘plays a part’ in my life, it isn’t ‘all my life’. It’s so easy to become consumed by our struggles, I have been there many times and believe me it’s horrendous and still can be. However, for me, the light came back on when I was able to find what had been in front of me all along....Rolo. By training my best friend through face to face training classes, Rolo was no longer just my dog but my hero.
Further, you are all certainly worth far too much to have your difficulties take ‘a part in your life’, never mind have ‘all of your life’. There is hope, there is light, so never give up on your sparkle.
Rolo was my major break through. He shone in his training, working very hard to get through each stage. He was brave. He was quietly confident. He was clever and such a good listener; always dampening down my stress and struggles, giving me more power and ‘space’ to see beyond my pain and battles. He understands me and so as a team we get through the day...yes even the bad ones.
The days he comes to be with me in hospital are my good days. As soon as I see him and he comes straight up to me, it feels like all the struggles and battles with my mind have slipped right through my fingers. He really shines with the other patients as well. They all have a cuddle and stroke and he helps them too; always managing to make them smile even on their bad days. The staff here always have a favourite sentence of the day, “is Rolo coming today?” We all miss him terribly when he’s not.
Rolo doesn’t judge at all, he just loves me (and everyone else) for exactly who we are. His loyalty towards me is paramount.
He really is my 999 call 📞 always here and always near with his very well earned little green coat.
RAD Assistance Dogs is the trading name of Recovery Assistance Dogs and is a charity registered in England and Wales | Charity No. 1125395